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Privacy Policy

Hinomaru Limousine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) considers that in providing Limo Tokyo website service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), the personal information of the individuals who use the Service (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”) is essential for the Company to provide the Service that satisfies the Customer.
To protect the personal information of the Customer, the Company takes appropriate measures from personal, organizational, physical, and technical viewpoints along with any other measures necessary to ensure safe management of the Customer’s personal information, thereby preventing loss or damage of personal information handled by the Company.
In using the Service of the Company, the Customer shall be deemed to have understood thoroughly and agreed upon the details of the Privacy Policy of the Company.
The private information of the Customer shall be handled in accordance with the following Privacy Policy.
1.    Acquisition of personal information
    The Company shall acquire all necessary personal information related to the Customer for the Customer to be able to use the Service managed by the Company including:
     (1) Personal information provided by the Customer when a reservation or an enquiry for the Service is made. This information includes the Customer name, mobile phone number, e-mail address, password, credit card information, residence address, date of birth, nationality, language, and any other information provided by the customer at the time of reservation or enquiry submission.
     (2) Booking or enquiry information including the customer pick-up information, the date and time of the pick-up, the location of the pick-up point, via-points, destination, type of vehicle, route, and fare, etc.
     (3) Cookie and access information on the Limo Tokyo website visited by the Customer to use the Service (such as domain name, IP address, browser information, date and time of access, and browsed pages, etc.)
2.    Purpose of use of personal information
    The Company shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations, use personal information acquired by the Company within the range necessary to achieve the purpose of use designated in each of the following paragraphs, provided that the agreement of the Customer has been obtained:
     (1) To identify the Customer who uses the Service, accept reservations, make communications, accept payments, conduct surveys, etc.
     (2) To browse and change the registered information of the Customer who uses the Service, check, change, and cancel the information on reservation, and browse the use conditions.
     (3) To provide the Customer with information on events and campaigns related to the Service as well as the change in the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.
     (4) To cancel account registration in case the Terms of Service should be violated.
     (5) To provide information on the services and products handled by the partnered companies of the Company such as SKYBUS, SKYDuck, SKYHOPBUS, and free shuttle buses and various other information.
     (6) To achieve objectives ancillary to the above purposes of use.
3.    Management of personal information
    (1)    The Company shall manage the personal information of the Customer from personal, organizational, physical, and technical viewpoints to ensure the safety of the information.
        ① As safety information management from the personal viewpoint, the Company shall provide education and periodic training continuously to the employees to enhance their awareness of information management.
        ② As safety information management from the organizational viewpoint, three-person system by the general manager, manager, and the person in charge of practical operations will be established to prevent the information from being disclosed to individuals other than the above three. The personal information will be handled in accordance with the information handling regulation to prevent its leakage, and emergency measures will be taken as required.
        ③ As safety information management from the physical viewpoint, prohibiting printing of information to paper media, storing the media containing personal information by locking, and logging off the PCs when leaving the seat or exiting the room.
        ④ As safety information management from the technical viewpoint, all personal information is managed in the form of data, and following is performed: access management and restriction, network management, introduction of anti-virus software, automatic update to maintain the latest state, password setting for personal e-mail information, and encrypted SSL communication.
     (2)    When entrusting the management of personal information, the Company shall bear the supervisory responsibility. The Company shall select outsourcing companies that can perform appropriate information management in accordance with the privacy mark certification system based on their situation of safety management measures. Periodic audits will be performed once an entrustment contract is concluded.
4.    Disclosure of personal information to third parties
    (1) The Company shall not disclose or provide the personal information of the Customer to any third parties without obtaining an agreement from the Customer, except for the cases permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations and for the cases such as follows:
        ① When the laws and regulations are abided by.
        ② When necessary for the protection of human life, health, and assets, and when it is difficult to obtain an agreement from the Customer.
        ③ When particularly necessary to improve public hygiene and promote healthy development of children, and when it is difficult to obtain an agreement of the Customers.
        ④ When it is necessary for the government or local public organizations or their entrustees to provide cooperation for matters specified by the laws and regulations to, and when it is at risk of inhibiting the relevant matter from being achieved as the result of obtaining an agreement from the Customer.
    (2) Since the parties in each of the following cases are not regarded as third parties, the Company can provide personal information freely to them.
        ① When the relevant personal information data is provided as the result of entrustment of the whole or a part of the handled personal information data by the Company within the range necessary to achieve the objective of use of the personal information.
        ② When the personal information data is provided, following the succession of business due to merger or other reasons.
        ③ When the personal information data shared by specific businesses is provided to the relevant specific businesses, and when the name of the person responsible for the management of the sharing, personal information data items to be shared, range of individuals who share the data, the purpose of use of the users, and the relevant personal information management are notified to the relevant individual in advance, or when the relevant individual can easily access the above information.
    (3) When providing personal information data to any third parties, the Company shall record the following items and store them for a specified period of time: year, month, and date when the personal information data was provided, the name of the relevant third party and other items that allow the relevant third party to be identified, name of the individual identified by the relevant personal information data and other items that allow the relevant individual to be identified, and relevant personal information data items.
    (4) When receiving personal information from any third parties, the Company shall check the background of obtainment of the relevant personal information data by the relevant third party, in addition to the name and address of the relevant third party, record the name of the individual identified by the relevant personal information data and other items that allow the relevant individual to be identified along with the relevant personal information data items, and store them for a specific period of time.
5.    Disclosure of personal information
    (1) The Company will disclose the personal information without delay in response to a request from the Customer. 
    (2) The Company may not disclose the whole or a part of the personal information when any of the following items are applicable, and in such cases, inform the Customer to that effect immediately:
        ① When the life, health, assets, and other rights and benefits of the relevant individuals or any third parties may be damaged.
        ② When the maintenance of the proper operation of the Company may be affected greatly.
        ③ When laws and regulations are violated.
    (3) How to request for disclosure:
        ① Items of personal information requested by the Customer.
        ②    Identity verification documents (a copy [with a photo] or two copies [without a photo], driver’s license, passport, health insurance card, pension handbook, identification booklet for the physically disabled, certificate of a seal impression, personal identification number card, residence card, special permanent residence certificate, and other documents that prove the identification of the relevant individual).
        ③ In the case of legal representative: a copy of a certificate of qualification that proves the relevant person to be a legal representative, and an identity verification document of the legal representative himself/herself (the same as the identity verification documents in ②).
        ④ In the case of authorized agent: letter of attorney by the Customer, and an identity verification document of the authorized agent himself/herself (the same as the identity verification document in ②).
        ⑤ Fee:

    (4) How to make a request:

Hinomaru Limousine Co., Ltd.,
Limo Tokyo Personal Information Section
HLC Ogibashi Building, 1-2-17 Ogibashi, Coutou-ku, Tokyo 135-0011
6.     Correction and deletion of personal information
    (1) The Customer can request the Company to correct or delete the personal information stored by the Company according to the procedure specified by the Company, if the relevant personal information is proven to be incorrect.
    (2) If the Company determines it necessary to meet the request for correction or deletion of the personal information by the Customer, the Company shall correct or delete the relevant personal information of the Customer without delay, and notify the correction/deletion to the Customers.
7.    Suspension of use of personal information
    If a request is made by the Customer for suspension of use or deletion of the personal information (hereinafter referred to as “the suspension of use, etc.”) for the reason that the personal information is handled exceeding the specified range of the objectives of use, or the relevant information is obtained by using unauthorized means, the Company shall conduct necessary investigation immediately.
Based on the result of the investigation performed, the Company shall perform the suspension of use, etc. of the personal information, and inform the Customer to that effect. However, if it is difficult to perform the suspension of the use, etc. (when a large amount of cost is required for the suspension of the personal information, for example), the Company shall take other means to protect the rights and benefits of the Customer.
8.    Modification in the Privacy Policy
    (1) The Company can modify the Privacy Policy without notifying the Customer to that effect.
    (2) If the Privacy Policy is modified, the Company shall publish the modification on Limo Tokyo website.